I made several observations as I meditated on my crocuses today. At any given time, life presents any combination of beauty, stench, chaos and surprises. Each one of us has our own version of challenges and joys. A Grand Canyon divides those who choose to set their gaze on the crocuses instead of dwelling on the port-a-potty!
Dwell on beauty. Gain freedom, joy, peace and The Sweet Life! It's that simple.
Or is it? Honestly, it took some diligence on my part but it is absolutely within reach!
It starts with recognizing thoughts that cause pain and suffering. I could choose to see the ugliness of the chaos in my garden and attach to that confusion, what will the neighbors think, the project will never get done, it's late, I haven't had my "stuff" in 9 months, my kids must feel so awful to live in temporary housing for so long and I could continue to spiral downward in my thoughts taking me deeper into the abyss of negativity. OR I can choose to separate myself from negative thoughts. Now, if you don't attach to negative thoughts, you may not need the following tool but if you do, it could be the key to your freedom.
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I'll share what has become my most liberating coaching tool I call the "BIG BERTHA POWER" tool. It is "The Work" by Byron Katie. I do encourage you to check out her website. Write down any paralyzing thought or belief and take it through her Inquiry worksheet. Become your own thought "nazi" and I promise the flowers will capture your attention every time…with no effort!
Set your intention to see something beautiful today. Anticipate beauty and you will see it!