Soul Seduction

Listening to your soul, your inner voice, the essence of you, is not as woo woo as it may seem.    

First, Noise, OFF.    We're bombarded with noise pollution 24/7, white noise, neighborhood noise and the noise we create ourselves by keeping a steady stream of media circulating.  Regardless, the voice within can be timid when she's been ignored for a life time, well, perhaps that's an exaggeration but maybe it's been a decade or a year…she needs to be lured back to the surface of consciousness.  

Secondly, create an atmosphere sufficiently seductive so she feels invited to come out and chat.   Place yourself where you can find solace.  If you need to be active, go for a walk, be in a yoga pose, on your knees in a traditional prayerful position or nestle into your favorite chair.    Further possibilities: Light a candle, burn incense, dim the lights, enjoy a glass of wine or cup of coffee.   

Third, talk, ask, request and probe with gentleness.  Say what you have to say and ask what you want to ask.  

Fourth, Be quiet.  Be attentive and ready for a reply because it is a two way conversation.  Listen actively with all your heart, mind and body.  

Finally, Trust what you hear, see, sense, feel and intuit by acting on it.  

We tend to not believe or trust whatever comes up when we listen to the voice within.  We question if it's "the voice" or just thoughts or perhaps a psychotic episode.  For the majority of healthy people, you can trust those first inklings.  

Does it resonate in the deep recesses of your soul?   You'll automatically know the answer to this question.  We may not want to deal with it in the moment and that's ok.  Allow it to sit in the quiet places for a few days.   Waiting, listening, wondering, allowing are active responses.  

Personally, I've been led to go to the water and meditate, jump in puddles, allow the sun to drench me with it's warmth, rest and play, become a vegetarian, call a friend, do something related to my children…those are the minor requests.  The bigger ones look like adopting children, not going on a family vacation or not meeting my husband in France. Seriously.   The soul's request feeds what we most need in life and sometimes the request doesn't make sense, especially to others.  That's OK.  Making "sense" is way over rated!  Sometimes the most nonsensical requests are the ones that nourish the most.  

The soul will always safe guard your well being and when we are well cared for, we are better equipped to BE who we are meant to BE in this world.  

"Soul, what are you asking of me?"  Is a great place to start.

A cautionary word to the wise. 

Saying "yes" to soul care regardless of how "others" interpret our actions may require thoughtful, diplomatic explanation.  When I called my husband to say "BTW, I won't be meeting up with you in France."  I shared my heart and soul with him about my fatigue and the familial complications.  I was transparent, authentic and open and he knew it and felt it.  "Whatever you need to do is OK with me.  I want your well being."  WOW!  Now that's a way to woo your woman for you men out there.   I felt intimately and abundantly loved by him but I had loved myself first.   

I've made decisions which impacted others and they were not as generous towards me.  It's not always easy when it comes to the others in our lives but chances are the others who really love you understand and accept transparent, authentic and open communication.  If not, there's probably work to do in the relationship.  And I AM going to leave you hanging on that note…because…it's a big can of worms to be opened another post or day or in a coaching session.  

For now, seduce your soul to join in conversation.  It's the beginning of a whole new way of knowing and loving yourself.  

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  • Thanks Dana. So perfect for me right now, as I am taking a week “staycation” from work starting today. A time to rejuvinate, and feed my mind, body, and soul. 🙂

  • I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers this week. May you be inspired and may you be rejuvenated body, mind and spirit.