"Why me?" asked Mary.
Why not you? And why not YOU too?
Why is it we question our own call to be a hero or heroine?
When we adopted two beautiful children in Brazil, we were often asked, "why?" And my husband always replied, "why not and, if not us, then who?" We get to write the script of our lives. It is a privilege, joy and awesome responsibility. Join in the fun of making a big difference in your corner of the world.
In the quiet spaces of life, I'll bet exists a voice that whispers dreams, ideas and passionate pursuits. I'll also bet right behind that voice sneaks another not so kind voice telling you all the reasons why you could never pull off those dreams, endeavors and passions.
Which voice are you going to listen to? The choice is yours. The journey to your highest call is one step at a time. You really only have to take one step toward your passions and eventually you'll get there.
More tomorrow about what to do when you're on the journey facing curves, hills and the end is no where in sight.