Defy Gravity


There is a WAY to defy gravity and pull out of the muck and mire of a major life crisis, trauma or transition.  

1. Be still and quiet:  Paramount to moving through a challenging situation is quiet time and space to just BE and not do.  Healing comes when we create space for our BEing.
2. Feel: Let yourself feel what you feel.  Don't ignore it.  Experience it.  We are meant to experience all of life's emotions.  Journal, talk and sulk over the emotions but, CAUTION, not forever.  All feelings have a role to play in the healing process but we must not be overcome by them.  It's important to discover what lies beneath the surface of our emotions.  Consider that emotions tell a story, what's the story your emotions are telling you? 

3. Allow: Recognize there is a season for everything under the sun.  Seasons come and go.  This is all about perspective.  If you trust you will move through the season, it's less likely you'll create a painful story.  When we create  painful stories we get stuck.
4. Listen:  There's a message in every challenging situation which comes directly from within you.  Each one of us has a built in wisdom guru called intuition.  She will provide insight for the asking when we seek her wisdom and listen.   Censor the message.  Your inner guide is not going to condemn and judge rather lead you with gentleness, love and mercy.  Run away from messages of condemnation.
5. ACT:  Your intuition will provide the answers about how to best take care of yourself and then you must just do it. This may require big leaps of faith and changes in the way life was done before.  On the self care journey we will most likely bump into our significant others in ways that are uncomfortable and require changes in those relationships.  Don't let this stop you.  If those relationships are valuable for your future, they will come around and honor your self care.  There are times to be ruthless about self care and healing in order to triumph over challenges and move into a new season.  

6. Shift:  Shift the negative energy caused by the challenge into life giving energy that supports a new normal.  This can be done in numerous ways.  I use the Resonance Repatterning Method but there are simple ways to shift your energy.  The most practical available to all of us at any moment is to get your body moving.  Energy gets stuck in our bodies and movement will release it.  This can be as simple as taking a walk, stretching your shoulder blades and/or hips.   Your intuition has the insight to guide you to what will best shift your energy.  If you're interested in learning more about how to shift your energy, I'd love for you to try a Resonance Repatterning session with me. 

7. Embrace: Embrace the new normal.  Life as we know it is constantly changing, relationships shifting and we must learn how to embrace the changes.  We are not who we were yesterday and we are not who we will become tomorrow.  We have the possibility to experience life in a new way every moment.  There is grace, mercy and possibility with each breath we take.   

8. JoyFull:  Be diligent about setting aside time for the activities and relationships that bring you joy.   We are meant to have fun and enJOY life.   Following your joy will refuel the love cup that most likely became drained by the challenging situation. 

I've recently moved through a health crisis.  There were moments and days I felt disparaging, I wanted to grab ahold of a painful story but I consciously chose not to and instead continued down the path of Stillness, Feeling, Allowing, Listening, Acting, Shifting, Embracing and today I'm following my Joy.   


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